Dear Friends of NTM Info & Research,
It is with a mixture of gratitude and sadness that I announce the retirement of Philip Leitman as President of NTM Info & Research. Philip, who co-founded NTMir with his late wife, Fern, will continue as President Emeritus and as an active member of our Board of Directors
For almost two decades, Fern fought a complex resistant Mycobacterium abscessus pulmonary infection, and 18 years ago she and Philip founded NTMir to channel their passion for helping patients. Philip looks forward to continuing his work in the Emeritus capacity.
The Board of Directors has unanimously selected Amy Leitman to fill the role of President. As Philip and Fern’s daughter, she has gained a firsthand understanding of NTM lung disease and the impact it has on patients and families.
Since joining the team at NTMir a decade ago, Amy has championed the voices of the patients, healthcare providers, researchers, industry, and other interested stakeholders. As one of the most recognized public faces of this disease she has presented patient-centered research, co-authored several papers on NTM lung disease, and collaborated on numerous research projects. As President of NTMir, she looks forward to continuing her work and increasing public awareness of this disease.
Amy is a member of the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST), the American Society for Microbiology, the American Thoracic Society, the Drug Information Association, the European Respiratory Society, and the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
Thanks to a dedicated Board of Directors and an impressive network of support group leaders to bring our patient constituency together, we have grown tremendously over the years as an organization.